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There are only a small number of reviews on the internet about Norman M. Moltar, Jr.. You can write one!
If you need to contact Norman M. Moltar, Jr., please choose one of the options below. Since this legal office did not provide a contact phone number, it will be necessary to arrange a consultation or a personal meeting with Norman M. Moltar, Jr. in another way. We know the current address (765 Linda Flora Dr., Los Angeles, CA90049-1626. ), so you can check google maps to see if there is an updated contact phone number.

Free initial consultation

We recommend that you use the available contact information to verify that Norman M. Moltar, Jr. offers a free initial consultation for your case. Don't be put off, most lawyers will offer you a free consultation.

Need more information?

As we only have a very small amount of contact details relating to Norman M. Moltar, Jr., we encourage you to look at competing lawyers and compare General Practice lawyers in Los Angeles, California or anywhere near you.
  • No contact phone

    Norman M. Moltar, Jr. did not provide a contact phone number, but there are other ways to contact this law firm. If nothing has changed, then you can find this firm at: 765 Linda Flora Dr., Los Angeles in the State of California

  • Lack of contact information

    There is only a little information about Norman M. Moltar, Jr. law firm.

  • Check out the best lawyers in your area

    Due to the small amount of contact information, we strongly recommend that you compare Norman M. Moltar, Jr. with other General Practice law firms in the vicinity of Los Angeles,CA. You can easily compare these lawyers according to client reviews, experience, education, and length of legal practice.

Norman M. Moltar, Jr. is practicing law since 1974 (currently in Los Angeles) and has over 50 years of practice in bankruptcy and tax law), automobile accidents and personal injury law, criminal law, real estate, general practice (it means that attorney does not limit their law practice to single area and instead focuses on multiple areas of law including: family law and related legal activities. Browse the details of Norman M. Moltar, Jr. to see if it is a trusted General Practice attorney with perfect skills and positive reviews from clients. To make the best and most responsible decisions, take a look at education, experience, Bar information and peer reviews of this lawyer. When checking an attorney named "Norman M. Moltar, Jr.", do not miss referrals from friends and family.

Personal meeting?

If you have enough information and would like to arrange a personal meeting with this attorney, you can use the phone number or other contacts (email, contact form, chat) and make an appointment (initial consultation) at 765 Linda Flora Dr., 90049-1626, Los Angeles (look at google map).

List of Practice Areas

general practice (it means that attorney does not limit their law practice to single area and instead focuses on multiple areas of law including: family law, automobile accidents and personal injury law, criminal law, real estate, bankruptcy and tax law)
Is this your attorney profile? Claiming your profile is free, quick and easy. If you update your profile with the most up-to-date information about you and your law firm, you will reach more potential clients seeking legal services in your area.

Opening Hours

As you can see, Norman M. Moltar, Jr. has no specified business hours. There may be several reasons for this. The majority of lawyers in Los Angeles, California work full time, and the most reliable take phone calls even after business hours. If you are interested in the current "opening hours" of the office, call this lawyer or his assistant and take the first step. After this call, you can arrange a personal meeting with this lawyer at 765 Linda Flora Dr., Los Angeles. Remember that although many lawyers offer free initial consultations, others may charge hundreds of dollars. Are you looking for a law firm whose lawyers speak a language other than English? According to our information, Norman M. Moltar, Jr. speaks English .
Social media has revolutionized the way we talk and interact, not only for individual lawyers who specializes in General Practice, but also to the whole legal sector.
Is this your attorney profile? Claiming your profile is free, quick and easy. If you update your profile with the most up-to-date information about you and your law firm, you will reach more potential clients seeking legal services in your area.
Although Norman M. Moltar, Jr. has yet to update his company's description, we have an ample supply of public knowledge regarding this California-based personal injury attorney. Let us explore his past experience with personal injury cases, customer opinions and ratings, how he values his services, whether or not he maintains active social media pages and the manner in which he interacts with potential customers.

The Team

With no colleagues listed on Norman M. Moltar, Jr. profile, it appears he is either self-employed, working with another law firm, or has yet to update the information for 2024. No matter what the case may be, you can evaluate his expertise and credentials before reaching out to ask him questions regarding further details.
Most lawyers toil for seven years in order to gain their prestigious Juris Doctor title, four of those spent obtaining a Bachelor's degree. Before Norman M. Moltar, Jr. was even able to practice law in California, he had already gained a wealth of legal knowledge. Let's take a closer look at his educational journey.

Law School

Based on our data, this attorney attended University of Southern California, Class of 1971 , J.D. law school. If you have any specific questions about education, you can contact a representative of this company.
Education is important in the legal profession, but it should not be the sole factor used to judge a lawyer. There are many other important characteristics that should be taken into consideration. A lawyer’s experience, reputation, and ability to communicate effectively with clients are all vital qualities that should be assessed when trying to determine if a lawyer is the right fit for you.

Additionally, some lawyers may have graduated from prestigious universities but still lack the skills and qualities necessary to handle a client’s case. Before making your decision, it is important to ensure that the lawyer you choose has the right qualifications and experience to handle your case.
Type of Case How much do lawyers charge? Average rates in 2022
Personal Injury

Civil lawsuits as a result of wrongful conduct.

35% contingency fee$70 - $350 hourly
Family Law

Issues involving family relationships (adoption, divorce, child custody).

$200 per hour$60 - $650 hourly
Tax Law

Tax laws & government regulations.

$320$260 - $420 hourly
Real Estate

Buying a real estate property in Los Angeles is a big deal

$650 - $1,450hourly rates from $140 to $450
Criminal Defense

For those, who have been accused of committing a crime.

Hourly fees are the most common$150 - $1100
* The above hourly rates and contingency fees are estimates only and are subject to change. Please contact Norman M. Moltar, Jr. for rates valid on 06/14/2024.

Write a Review!

Experience & Comments: Write your own review or question

Norman M. Moltar, Jr. is General Practice attorney from Los Angeles, California

The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly.
The purpose of this review is to inform future clients of Norman M. Moltar, Jr. about his/her qualities, experience and abilities. Please, rate your attorney's performance and write a review of your experience. Stick to the facts you are sure of. Don't be vulgar and don't disparage his/her integrity or morals. You can also ask for a detailed analysis of this lawyer, including professional misconduct and disciplinary action against this attorney.

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    Brain Injury,
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