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List of Social Security Disability Lawyers in Arizona

Who are the best Social Security Disability lawyers in the Arizona State and how to find them? We will try to help you compare top rated Social Security Disability attorneys near you who focus on Elder Law, Social Security Disability, SSI Law & Regulations in locations such as Phoenix and nearby. Explore attorney profiles and get Social Security Disability attorney's contacts, Arizona State Bar data, detailed information related to education, legal disciplines, telephone numbers, websites or social networks. Compare Social Security Disability attorney's who have the best client reviews and overall peer rating in your immediate area and find individuals who interest you.

The most experienced Social Security Disability lawyers near you (Arizona, AZ)

The most important factor in choosing a lawyer is certainly his long-term knowledge in Personal Injury Litigation, Workers Compensation, Medical Malpractice, Traffic Accident, Social Security Disability and related skills. Low hourly rates combined with an excellent legal background are certainly important, but in the end, perfect reviews from trusted clients almost always make the difference. Below we have filtered for you the most knowledgeable Social Security Disability attorneys from around Phoenix, who are proud of many years of experience and a number of positive user testimonials. Do you want to avoid the bad lawyers around who are struggling with negative client reviews? Compare the companies listed below, whose lawyers have achieved various legal awards.

Eric G. Slepian

Licensed for 35 Years

10 Client Reviews

4.9 Star

Everyone imagines an experienced lawyer differently. For some, client reviews and ratings are important, for others, the legal education you have achieved (Eric G. Slepian graduated at Albany Law School of Union Uni...) and many years of experience in the field are more important. As you will read in the detailed profile, Eric G. Slepian has been practicing Social Security Disability law in Phoenix for more than 35 years. However, a modern lawyer must stay ahead of the latest trends, collect great reviews and maintain a high level of expertise in Workers Compensation, Sole Practitioner/Small Firm, Personal Injury Litigation, Personal Injury Compensation, Social Security Disability and similar legal fields.

TOP rated Social Security Disability lawyers in Arizona, AZ

To make your search easier, we've found the top-rated Phoenix lawyers whose primary focus is Sole Practitioner/Small Firm, ERISA, Automobile Accidents & Injuries, Traffic Accident, Personal Injury Compensation, Personal Injury Litigation-related law. Remember that excellent evaluation is not a guarantee of your future satisfaction, and popularity is usually associated with a higher price. If you are looking for a superior affordable Social Security Disability attorney near you, look for it below on this page. Hiring a reputable Social Security Disability lawyer sounds like a good idea, but are you put up with above-average hourly rates or a higher contingency fee?

Eric G. Slepian

TOP rated

4.9 / 5 stars

This lawyer may not be the best in California, but when it comes to his competitiveness among law firms around Phoenix, you can shortlist him. Eric G. Slepian has approximately 10 external reviews from both users and related lawyers. Competences relate mainly to the following legal fields: Sole Practitioner/Small Firm, Medical Malpractice, Automobile Accidents & Injuries, Personal Injury Litigation and Social Security Disability. The rating is approximately 4.9 stars out of 5.

Cheapest Social Security Disability lawyers in Arizona, AZ

As a low-income client, you may be forced to start searching by price. If you need to hire the cheapest Social Security Disability attorney somewhere near Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler, Tuscon, Glendale, Surprise, Peoria, don't despair, we will try to help you solve your problem. Below is a list of affordable lawyers close by Arizona who have published their hourly rates and those who provide free initial consultations on services related to Social Security Disability Law and associated services. Make no mistake, you will also find cost-effective Social Security Disability lawyers among those experienced, acclaimed, and those who attended the nation's most prestigious law schools.

Jeremy Pekas

Free Initial Consultation


Lack of information

Pekas Smith Arizona Disability Attorney Jeremy Pekas is certainly not the cheapest attorney around Phoenix, but given the hourly rate of $125, he is certainly not the most expensive. Legal services and actions related to his activity include: Social Security Disability Law. We have very up-to-date information that Jeremy Pekas provides a free legal consultation at the first meeting.

The best educated lawyers focusing on Social Security Disability in Arizona

Just because we haven't compiled a list of Social Security Disability lawyers who studied at some of the country's most prestigious law schools and now practice in Arizona doesn't mean there aren't any. In the ranking of the best educated lawyers, you will find only those who studied at some of the TOP 20 law schools and universities in the United States. There are other reputable law schools, but you won't find them in this ranking. To compare the most cultured lawyers in your area , we recommend that you also look at the best-rated, most experienced or cheapest law firms in the neighborhood.

Compare all lawyers in your area

If you are mainly looking for an experienced lawyer from Phoenix who has many years of practice in the field of "Social Security Disability", then slow down, you are on the right path. For example, Elizabeth Anne Post has been practicing law for almost 36 years and there are more such lawyers. Many years of legal experience are by no means a guarantee of a quality lawyer who masters fields such as Social Security Disability, SSI Law & Regulations., but it can help with your search and comparison. If you're still hesitant, visit a specific lawyer's profile and ask for a thorough review.

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Whether you're hiring a lawyer to handle the above-mentioned legal branches or another type of case or legal dispute (defense in court), it's not a decision to be rushed into. You may also prefer male or female Social Security Disability lawyers who practice law near you. Of course, the attorney cost and hourly rates of individual lawyers cannot be overlooked. If you can't afford a paid lawyer, another option is to find and contact Pro Bono Social Security Disability lawyers who target clients from Arizona State and provide them with free legal advice.

How to find the right attorney?

As you can see below, these lawyers cover cases related to specific types of law (SSI Law & Regulations, ) but their practices are generally broader and may also include other sub-fields of law and other services. Do you have trouble finding a skilled lawyer practicing in Arizona? Real ratings from previous clients or peer reviews among lawyers who deal with SSI Law & Regulations and similar issues will help you decide which law firm to hire. Are you ready to take action? If you have enough information, make an appointment with your preferred lawyer and hire someone who can get you out of your troubles.
Elizabeth Anne Post, AZ
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Elizabeth Anne Post is Social Security Disability attorney serving Phoenix and surrounding cities. Long-time practicing attorney, he is licensed for 36 years. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 3737 N. 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ.

John C. Day, AZ
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John C. Day is Social Security Disability attorney serving Mesa and surrounding cities. This lawyer is licensed for 14 years to practice law in Arizona. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 1910 South Stapley, Ste. 221, Mesa, AZ.

Mark R. Caldwell, AZ
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Mark R. Caldwell is Social Security Disability attorney serving Phoenix and surrounding cities. Long-time practicing attorney, he is licensed for 44 years. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 3030 N 3rd Street, Suite 1230, Phoenix, AZ.

Eric G. Slepian, AZ
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Eric G. Slepian is Social Security Disability attorney serving Phoenix and surrounding cities. Long-time practicing attorney, he is licensed for 35 years. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 3737 North Seventh Street, Suite 106, Phoenix, AZ.

Rodney O Salmi, AZ
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Rodney O Salmi is Social Security Disability attorney serving Phoenix and surrounding cities. Long-time practicing attorney, he is licensed for 28 years. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 320 East Virginia Avenue, Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ.

Walter Anthony Wisz, AZ
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Walter Anthony Wisz is Social Security Disability attorney serving Tucson and surrounding cities. This lawyer is licensed for 15 years to practice law in Arizona. You can call this attorney to schedule your free initial consultation and make an appointment at 2343 E Broadway Blvd Ste 200, Tucson, AZ.


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