David Charles Gibbs IIICall
Religious Institutions lawyer from Seminole, FL. Licensed 53 years.
Decent legal practice, but little response from clients
David Charles Gibbs III has more than 1 years of experience in the Religious Institutions industry, but we do not record any client reviews. There may be several reasons, but we definitely recommend that you research this lawyer in detail, or ask for an analysis.- 53 years of experience
If we evaluate experience strictly according to the number of years in the Religious Institutions field, then David Charles Gibbs III has had a legal license for 53 years. What matters is how this lawyer spent those years and what he accomplished for his clients.
- Rating 4.4 / 5
This rating is based on 1 user reviews with a maximum of 5 stars. We record a rating of 4.4 out of 1 client reviews for this lawyer..
- More than 1 client reviews
The number of genuine client reviews is an important indicator that shows how many people David Charles Gibbs III has helped with their legal needs.
Paid consultation only?
It is not possible to judge from the information available whether David Charles Gibbs III offers any form of free initial consultation. Your best bet is to call 727-362-3700 the law office directly and ask. If this attorney charges you for the initial consultation, you can find another Religious Institutions lawyer in Seminole, Florida.- Prices not listed
David Charles Gibbs III has not provided hourly rates for its Religious Institutions-related services. For detailed information, contact a representative of the law firm.
- Contingency fee? Probably not!
As you surely know, contingency fee agreement is primarily used in personal injury claims, worker's compensation claims, Social Security Disability, and debt recovery issues. We are not aware of David Charles Gibbs III offering this form of fee for its services.
- We need your review!
Do you have personal experience with David Charles Gibbs III from Seminole? Due to the small number of client reviews, every honest and objective review is very important to others! Either positive or negative.
Free initial consultation
We recommend that you use the available contact information to verify that David Charles Gibbs III offers a free initial consultation for your case. Don't be put off, most lawyers will offer you a free consultation.Other contact options
- Phone number: 727-362-3700
Use this phone number if you need to make an appointment with David Charles Gibbs III attorney, to request a free legal consultation, or if you need assistance with Religious Institutions in Seminole, FL.
Personal meeting?
If you have enough information and would like to arrange a personal meeting with this attorney, you can use the phone number 727-362-3700 or other contacts (email, contact form, chat) and make an appointment (initial consultation) at 5666 Seminole Blvd., Ste. 2, 33772, Seminole (look at google map).List of Practice Areas
Religious Institutions, First Amendment Law, Constitutional Law, LitigationOpening Hours
As you can see, David Charles Gibbs III has no specified business hours. There may be several reasons for this. The majority of lawyers in Seminole, Florida work full time, and the most reliable take phone calls even after business hours. If you are interested in the current "opening hours" of the office, call this lawyer or his assistant 727-362-3700 and take the first step. After this call, you can arrange a personal meeting with this lawyer at 5666 Seminole Blvd., Ste. 2, Seminole. Based on positive external client reviews of David Charles Gibbs III, we believe that this attorney picks up phone calls even after business hours. Remember that although many lawyers offer free initial consultations, others may charge hundreds of dollars. Are you looking for a law firm whose lawyers speak a language other than English? According to our information, David Charles Gibbs III speaks English .The Team
With no colleagues listed on David Charles Gibbs III profile, it appears he is either self-employed, working with another law firm, or has yet to update the information for 2024. No matter what the case may be, you can evaluate his expertise and credentials before reaching out to ask him questions regarding further details.Duke Law School
Duke Law School is one of the top-tier law schools in the United States, consistently ranked among the top 10 by major publications. It is renowned for its rigorous academic programs, diverse student body and highly qualified faculty. Duke provides a wide range of courses and experiences that prepare students to navigate the complexities of the legal system. With its strong alumni network and career services, Duke Law School is a great choice for those looking to pursue a successful legal career.Type of Case | How much do lawyers charge? | Average rates in 2022 |
* The above hourly rates and contingency fees are estimates only and are subject to change. Please contact David Charles Gibbs III for rates valid on 12/02/2024. |
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David Charles Gibbs III is Religious Institutions attorney from Seminole, Florida
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